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906 tank mounts

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:11 am
by handbasket
I'm putting a Paso 906 back together after a buying it from a salvage shop. I have a the front three fairing pieces, but not the ones that go under the seat. I'm thinking about buying them off ebay, but hate dealing with the surprise bill after it crosses the border from the US. Anyway, my question of topic is: What holds the fairing and tank from lifting and moving around?

My tank has one round knob it sits on in the front and two bolts at the rear, under the seat. Nothing exept gravity holds the front of the tank down. As far as I can tell the sides bolt to the tank and then the front peice bolts to them. Under the headlight there are two rubber cushins the fairing pushes on, but I can still lift the whole assembly up and down about a 1/2 inch. I have not installed the plate under the instrument cluster yet. This may stop some of the movement, but I think that may lead to braking the little rubber gauge mounts. (again) As it looks now, I think I may build little brackets off the headlight bar and bolt them to the fairing sides.

Suggestions? Pictures? Ideas?

Re: 906 tank mounts

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:49 am
by Marko888
I owned a 906 about 10 years ago.

What you describe sounds correct...but I don't recall the vertical movement described? Seems to me there is a fastener, or pehaps just a rubber block or two, missing somewhere.