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Steering Damper for 04 749 dark with no stock damper mount..

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Steering Damper for 04 749 dark with no stock damper mount..

Postby DarkDark749 » Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:45 pm

Hey guys, I'm new here and have just picked up a 2004 749 Dark with 6400 kms. Anyways, I wanted to get an Ohlins steering damper, but my Dark does not come with the frame mount for the damper. So I was wondering if there was a bracket I could buy to make it work?? or should I go with another damper?? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Nik.
2004 749 Dark
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Re: Steering Damper for 04 749 dark with no stock damper mount..

Postby ERIC SUMMERS » Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:07 pm

Hello Nik,
One option that you might want to pursue .Ohlins, Scotts,Pit Bull,GPR and I believe it's PSR all make a rotary damper.These mount above the steering stem on the upper triple clamp.They require no clamp or drilling on the frame.I have a Scott on my VTR and a Ohlins on my RC-51.They are both exactly the same ,I believe Ohlins bought the company that makes them for Scotts .The only difference is the name on the body.Check with both as some mounting kits are made by Scotts that Ohlins do not make.These both have coarse and fine adjustment, you can also adjust the number of degrees that damping takes place at.They mount very easily and I have had no problems with either of them ,just change the oil in them once a year.I have a Ducati performance cylinder damper on my Hypermotard and found it very fiddly to set up as far as components interfering with each other.My definate preference is for the rotary style damper.I have no experience with the other makes of rotary dampers ,although I am sure that the Pit Bull would be every bit as good ,if their stands are anything to go by.
Tnxs. Eric
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