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Ducati head gaskets

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Ducati head gaskets

Postby robb916998 » Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:41 pm

So , the new head gaskets are a m,l,s
Witch are pretty slim compared to the Altheana graphite style. Witch is probably why thay give you new pretty thick base shims with the head gasket package .
So the question is .
With the old gaskets I was use to using a old used gasket to set squish . With the new gaskets is it the same procedure ?? Put a old mashed out mls gasket in and run it over ??

Just seams to me that the out side serface witch sticks to the head and cylinder serfaces will be gone , so how is it accurate ? I know it won't be much but ??
Any one set squish with new style gaskets ??
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