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front brake pulsation

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front brake pulsation

Postby vfong » Fri Apr 30, 2010 2:11 pm

I have noticed this spring that a pulsation is felt in the front brake when stopping from speed. was fine last fall before storage. From what I have read and know about pulsation, if the discs are not warped, its dirty rotors and then pads. I have read about the buttons getting stiff or rigid and the disc do not float properly.

are the front stock disc on an 2005 ST3 semi floating or fully floating type. If the discs are true, would the next step be to sand the surface, and clean the disc and buttons. Should the buttons be able to shift when tapping them about? is this the direction to take. if the above procedure helps, should I also sand down the pads too? I know about bedding the pads onto the disc after though. thanks for any hints.
Posts: 38
Joined: Tue May 20, 2008 4:25 am

Re: front brake pulsation

Postby chris fournier » Wed May 05, 2010 11:54 pm

The best way to check for warped discs is to take them off and put them on an inspection plate to check for flatnessor rig up a dial indicator to your fork leg and rotate the disc and watch the indicator for excessive runout.

I can't see how sanding anything is going to help, in fact I think it could only lead to trouble.
chris fournier
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Re: front brake pulsation

Postby S4R911 » Sun May 09, 2010 10:21 pm

I have a similar problem with my '07 S4R. Have to spray brake cleaner on those buttons while tapping them with a hammer to clean it out (this advice was given to me by one of our friendly Ducati mechanics). I also try to wiggle the discs back and fourth a bit. Messy job but it smooths things right out again for a while. Bike has almost 40k on it, original rotors. Would be very interested in a permanent solution if anybody has one!

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Re: front brake pulsation

Postby vfong » Tue May 11, 2010 10:28 am

thanks S4R911

I will go and clean the buttons thoroughly this time, I did spray and tried to rotate them a bit already. I have sanded the rotors and clean them, sanded down any glazing to the pads. It was smoother but still a pulse.
So hope this will work out.
Posts: 38
Joined: Tue May 20, 2008 4:25 am

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