HEY IT’S COLD OUTSIDE…WHAT ELSE DO YOU HAVE TO DO? While the motorcycle world in Canada is wrapping up and moving indoors to do all that rebuilding, polishing and dreaming, the DOCC’s executive has been pondering the future. No, they…
Our Next Track Day is just around the corner. And we know how much you guys like corners… Here are a few nice laps from our Mosport Track days. Speaking of track day… are you ready for our next…
YOU CAN’T PLEASE ALL THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME But to try and please the majority this year we are going to vote on a shirt. In order that I can get the order placed in time to get…
NICK WHO YOU SAY? The Ducati Owners Club of Canada is pleased to announce that Nick Ienatsch will be at our Mosport Track Festival On May 24th and 25th. THE WHAT AND THE WHERE Nick will be doing a…
Here is a link to the text version of the DOCC AGM minutes for your scrutiny: 2014 AGM Minutesshort-5 Several items were simply discussions presenting options for consideration and are listed to ensure they retain a flicker of chance that…
We were generously promised a meeting space at the Motorcycle Show but only now can confirm room 109 as the place. AGM – ROOM 108 2PM – 4PM PLEASE NOTE ROOM CHANGE it’s just next door, though… 22 Feb 2014…